Margaret A. & Eugene E. Pexa Education Trust 2017 Letter to Beneficiaries
January 31, 2017
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Dear Beneficiary,
2016 was another good year for the Pexa Education Trust. We are proud to report that, to date, we have formally recognized twenty-eight beneficiaries and have funded 18 of those for educational expenses. The Trust has funded not only college and graduate students, but also elementary and special needs education. We have truly enjoyed working with the current crop of students and cutting tuition checks to their schools. We are sure that Margaret and Eugene would be very proud of the students and their many success stories, not only the students currently attending school, but especially our current and former beneficiaries who have completed their Vocational, Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Graduate degrees. We look forward to assisting the rest of you.
Please visit our website at and check it out. This is where you’ll find the most current beneficiary documents including: funding request, email release, and beneficiary recognition forms. If you were awarded funding from the Trust in 2016, you will receive a K1 tax form by mail as soon as they are available. These forms will be mailed to the last address the Trust has on file for you.
We want to remind you that the Trust is designed to last until 2031 and that beneficiaries cannot be awarded funding after they reach the age of 30. Five recognized beneficiaries have already aged out of eligibility, so we encourage you to plan accordingly. We also want to remind you that maximum award amounts are adjusted for inflation each year, so please contact us for your specific numbers.
We also remind you to please mail paper forms to our official Trust address:
Pexa Education Trust
7754 Kentucky Circle
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445-2748
Please keep the Trust informed of any changes in your Contact information by contacting us at
Best Wishes for 2017,
Sheila Northrop Joanna Plante Kevin O’Rourke